Today , i get a good article from my colleage , it is about someone will get what he pay , i think it is very reasonable , so i would like to share this articel with all of you .

As below are the good things for check :

“How do you like the offer?”  It is too expensive !” i think this almost becomes routine  in our business.

After all , for most of people, the price is the decisive factor of buying or not.  However . as a wise buyer, from my experience, he always put the quality in priority, rather than the price, Why ? a simple truth: there is a large price gap between the booth goods  and brand goods.  i firmly believe that higher quality deserves better price.

For me,  i prefer to spending more money to buy the goods with better quality than to save money for goods with low quality. Actually it is more cost-efficient. For example,  you spend 50 RMB to buy a pair of shoes and throw it away after 3month. By contrast,  if you would spend 200RMB to buy it and the warranty is 2years. which one do you think is cheaper?

Similarly. for our strip light led  ,why do we sell the product in this price?  many customers think our price is too high at first. but we getting more and more high quality customers. as they have seen the quality of our product!

we stick up to our principle: sincere. we promise to offer the led product with high quality.

————————————————————————-By Bella,my lovly colleage